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Donation of food items to Mogra Children’s Home, Nairobi, Kenya – October 2021

On 31st October 2021, the BAPS Charities Nairobi chapter visited the Mogra Children’s Home in Kiambu. The center currently cares for a total of 553 children from the age of 2-month-old babies to 22-year olds. The Mogra centre runs two programs – the Rescue Center, which the BAPS Charities volunteers visited, and the College Program. The Home is founded by Rev. Hannah, who the volunteers were very humbled to meet during the visit. She manages both the school and the children’s home together with a team of dedicated staff who work tirelessly for the children.

The Rescue Center is divided into 4 units. The baby’s unit houses children from ages 0-2 years. This is the most sensitive unit in the home. The unit is under 24 hours watch by care providers. The other units house Toddlers, Junior boys and girls and Senior boys and girls. Each unit plays a pivotal role in establishing a better future for every individual within. All children go through the Mogra Star Academy and thereafter the College Program which ensures continuous education throughout their journey at Mogra.

Mogra also supports separated or divorced single mothers by giving them priority of employment in both the school and the Mogra Rescue Centre.

BAPS Charities extended support to the home by donating several food supplies:

600 kg Maize Meal
250 kg Rice
450 kg Beans
450 kg Maize
360 kg Flour
50 kg Sugar
50 kg Cooking Fat
5 boxes Salt
5 boxes Biscuits
8 boxes Sweets

The children, Rev. Hannah, and the caregivers of the Home appreciated the BAPS Charities volunteers present during the event for their generous support.