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Since its official registration in 2008, BAPS Charities has been engaging in a wide array of charitable activities and projects in the United Kingdom while also supporting charitable projects around the world. It is through these activities and projects that our volunteers in centers across the UK are living the Spirit of Service.

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BAPS Charities has an active calendar of events throughout the year and at centers across the world. Take a moment to explore our various events and find one to participate in near you.


BAPS Charities has initiated several ongoing projects to serve our communities on an ongoing basis such as educational scholarships. Learn about these projects and how they are designed to serve.


BAPS Charities has formally partnered with charitable institutions globally to support a variety of initiatives in the areas we serve. Learn more about the incredible work of the charities we support globally.


BAPS Charities has an active calendar of events throughout the year and at centers across the world. Take a moment to explore our various events and find one to participate in near you.

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BAPS Charities has initiated several ongoing projects to serve our communities on an ongoing basis such as educational scholarships. Learn about these projects and how they are designed to serve.

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BAPS Charities has formally partnered with charitable institutions globally to support a variety of initiatives in the areas we serve. Learn more about the incredible work of the charities we support globally.

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BAPS Charities organised an indoor community cricket tournament, the ‘Yogi Yuv...

BAPS Charities organised a community indoor volleyball tournament at Kettering C...

An outdoor cricket tournament was organised in Antwerp, Belgium, for various BAP...

BAPS Charities organised a national indoor cricket tournament, the ‘Yogi Yuva ...

BAPS Charities, as part of its ongoing efforts to help fight the deadly impact o...

The COVID-19 vaccine is now available to all adults in the UK aged 18 years and ...

The coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly challenged all of us and also made us a...

Heart attack and stroke are serious, life-threatening medical emergencies. The e...

Processed foods can include any food that has been altered in some way during pr...