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COVID-19 Pandemic: Care Packages & Canned Food Donation in Atlanta, GA

From April 10, 2020, to April 12, 2020, BAPS Charities’ volunteers, in collaboration with BAPS Shayona, delivered  1,000 care packages to families, many with senior citizens, across the greater Atlanta area. Additionally, over 900 pounds of canned food were donated to the Gwinnett County School system to help provide necessary daily nutrition to many students in the surrounding area who are dependent on school meals. 

Volunteers helped prepare the care packages while wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and adhering to social distancing guidelines. The deliveries were made by trained volunteers who left the packages at the front doors of the families complying with the ‘shelter-in-place’ order by the State of Georgia.

The canned food donation was collected over the past month to support students as they adjust to ‘distance-learning’ and coping with the pandemic. Long-time board member and 2020 Chairperson of the Gwinnett County Board of Education, Louise Radloff personally came to help pick up the donated 900 plus lbs of food.

Volunteers across the country, in the spirit of service, are assisting communities in coping with the effects of COVID-19. For more details, visit