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COVID-19 Pandemic: BAPS Charities Donates $5,000 to the Center of Concern to aid the elderly

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, BAPS Charities has mobilized its volunteers across the country to support the fight against the pandemic. In addition to financial contributions to health systems, on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, BAPS Charities presented a donation of $5,000 to Center of Concern to aid the elderly.

Center of Concern is a service to ensure the safety of residents by preventing the spread of COVID-19 in their communities. They provide food to older adults and those in need, as well as check-in daily through phone calls with the elderly. For those impacted by the COVID-19, Center of Concern provides monetary assistance for rent and utilities as well as food donations. Additionally, Center of Concern assists victims of domestic violence with housing and food.

Accepting this donation, Center of Concern’s Executive Director John McNabola spoke about the impact BAPS Charities’ donation had on their services, “As we witness unprecedented challenges and hardships, we are so fortunate to have the commitment and support of  BAPS Charities as we support our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Center of Concern will utilize BAPS Charities’ the donation to support their COVID-19 response activities.

BAPS Charities is grateful for the continuous and selfless efforts of all local community professionals during these unprecedented times, and its volunteers across North America continue to evaluate situations to effectively provide support by donating food, funds, and protective equipment.