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Women’s Health Awareness Lecture on Childhood Obesity & Healthy Parenting in Chicago, IL

Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It occurs when a child is well above the normal weight for his or her age and height. Adult and childhood obesity has increased substantially in the last 30 years. Currently, 31% of adults and 18% of children are obese, as defined by excess body mass index (BMI). 1 in 7 preschooler is considered obese. The vast majority of obesity represents an imbalance in calories ingested vs. calories expended. Excessive intake of calories is most commonly associated with poor food-quality choices, such as fast food high in fat calories, but may also result from over-ingestion of “healthy foods.” Childhood obesity is particularly troubling because the extra pounds often start children on the path to health problems that were once confined to adults, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Childhood obesity can also lead to poor self-esteem and depression. 

BAPS Charities organized a lecture on Childhood Obesity and Healthy Parenting for women to raise awareness on this topic. The health lecture was organized at over 50 centers in North America on October 23, 2011.