UPDATE (June 11, 2021):
Over 1,300 Oxygen Concentrators Distributed Across India
BAPS Charities procured and distributed over 1,300 oxygen concentrators, 132 metric tons of liquid oxygen via cryogenic tanks, and over 7.85 million liters of gaseous oxygen have been distributed throughout India, saving thousands of lives.
UPDATE (May 22, 2021):
Partner Hospitals in India Treat Over 3,500 Patients
BAPS Charities partner hospitals in India treat over 3,500 COVID-19 patients.
India’s COVID crisis is the worst since the pandemic began. Official estimates of the nationwide infection rate are currently near 400,000 per day. The health system in India is stressed to the brink — hospitals are full, oxygen supplies and essential medical equipment are becoming hard to find, and many of the ill are struggling to find a hospital bed.
BAPS Charities, through its partner hospitals and volunteers in India, has swiftly answered the desperate plea for support by providing the lifesaving resources and expertise to help as many of the afflicted as quickly as possible. These efforts are having a direct impact on the care of critically ill patients. The various forms of support include:
Ventilators, Oxygen Concentrators, Medicine, Meals, Ration Kits, Fresh Vegetables, PPE, Temporary Beds
In addition to resources and volunteers in India, BAPS Charities partners from North America, the United Kingdom and the Middle East are raising funds to directly support efforts in India and are preparing shipments of oxygen concentrators and other desperately needed medical supplies.
Thank you very much for your support.

In North America, BAPS Charities has undertaken many initiatives to educate, support and offer relief to those affected by the pandemic. The following link has the Coronavirus Pandemic Response so far.