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Health Lecture 2018 in Jacksonville, FL: Preventing Cancer

The World Cancer Research Fund states that almost 20% of all cancers in some part are related to body fat, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, and poor nutrition. In a majority of cases, these factors are within one’s control and addressing them early on can help reduce risks and prevent the onset of cancer. The Cancer Progress Report of 2017 suggests that more than half of global cancer cases are a result of such preventable causes.

To raise awareness on preventable causes of cancer, members of the community gathered at a lecture hosted by BAPS Charities in Jacksonville, FL on January 5, 2019. The lecture focused on research indicating various factors present in healthy lifestyles that decreased risks. Tobacco is one of the leading causes of cancers and avoiding its usage in the form of cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco can significantly reduce one’s risk of contracting cancer. The presenter also discussed naturally occurring exposures that should be minimized whenever possible, including ultraviolet light, radon gas, and some infectious agents.

Attendees went home with detailed information about concrete steps they could take with their diet—including opting for non-starchy vegetables, increasing activity levels, and preventing consumption of harmful substances to minimize some risks.