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In The Joy Of Others: Walk-Run 2021 in Philadelphia, PA

Ended 4 years ago

Jun 19, 2021 - Jul 12, 2021
All day



  Raised so far   $5,756.00 USD total
$1,525.00 USD fund-raisers
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Activity Progress

In the Joy of Others Walk/Run Steps Challenge
145 Registered
2,156,510 steps


#BAPSCharities | #JoyofOthersWalk 

Join us at the In the Joy of Others: Walk | Run as we embark on a journey of taking 100 million steps together in support of Susan G. Komen and their efforts to address breast cancer on multiple fronts, making the biggest impact against the disease.

In 2021, it is estimated that 284,000 new cases of breast cancer will emerge among both men and women.  What can we do to help? We can walk or run!

The heart of any community is unity.  If we are united, we can provide critical needs to those affected by breast cancer and invest in breakthrough research to prevent and cure the disease.  Year after year, BAPS Charities’ Walks remind us that we can walk further when we walk together.  Each step we take this year in support of Susan G. Komen is a step in support of the joy of others, through which we can discover our own.

In our efforts to collectively walk 100 million steps, we are united in the spirit of service even though we are apart.  During this year’s virtual event, let’s get moving, together!

Participant Instructions

How to Register and become a Fundraiser: See the video tutorial below...

Walk|Run: During the days of the event at your local center, you can walk or run in your neighborhood or park. Make sure you collect your t-shirt from your center and wear it during your activity.

Log: You can log your steps and photos on your personal page (ACTIVITY LOG on your personal page) during the days of the event.

Keep walking or running until you and your center reach the goal to meet our collective goal of 100 million steps!


Susan G Komen

Susan G Komen

In 1980, Nancy G. Brinker promised her dying sister, Susan, that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever. In 1982, that promise became the Susan G. Komen® organization and the beginning of a global movement. What was started with $200 and a shoebox full of potential donor names has now grown into the world’s largest nonprofit source of funding for the fight against breast cancer. To date, we’ve invested more than $2.9 billion in groundbreaking research, community health outreach, advocacy and programs in more than 60 countries. Our efforts helped reduce deaths from breast cancer by 40 percent between 1989-2016 and we won’t stop until our promise is fulfilled.

Learn more:

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BAPS Charities In the Joy of Others: Walk-Run 2022 supporting Susan G. Komen and...

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