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Bone Marrow Drive 2011 in San Antonio, TX

An estimated 750,000 Americans live with leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma and someone new is diagnosed with one of these cancers every 5 minutes. While researchers have spent years trying to find a cure for these cancers, bone marrow transplants are one of the few procedures that have provided hope to patients. 

Every day, thousands of patients search the national registry hoping to find a bone marrow donor match, but only some are lucky enough to receive a match and a transplant. In fact, the chance of finding a match can range anywhere from 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 100,000. Patients needing a bone marrow transplant are most likely to find a match with someone from their own ethnic group.  To help these patients, BAPS Charities regularly organizes Bone Marrow Drive. In 2011, Bone Marrow Drives were organized at 15 centers registering 1318 donors.


San Antonio, TX 


June 05, 2011


11:00 am to 04:00 pm

No. of Registrations