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In the Joy of Others: Walk-Run 2024 in San Jose, CA

On April 27, 2024, BAPS Charities hosted its annual “In the Joy of Others: Walk-Run” in Fremont, CA, to support El Camino Health’s South Asian Heart Center and CityServe of Tri-Valley. The Walk brought together local community members to take steps together and engage in a form of selfless service to raise awareness of health and wellness and offer humanitarian services to people in need.

This year, nearly 1050 community members, including Alameda County Supervisor David Haubert, Milpitas Mayor Carmen Montano, and Fremont Councilmember Dr Raj Salwan, joined the effort to support BAPS Charities, South Asian Heart Center, and CityServe of Tri-Valley. The event showcased a broad spectrum of participation, from youth to seniors, united for a common cause.

Ms. Christine Beitsch-Bahmani, CEO of  CityServe of the Tri-Valley, reflected on the event’s significance, saying, “We are so excited to receive these funds today. We like to serve people who are in need, whether they are housed, unhoused, and with fixed income or no income. This walkathon is awesome because we are going to use these funds for our preventative work. We like to work upstream where we help people before they are in a crisis.”

  1. The event not only provided an opportunity for participants to engage in living a healthier lifestyle but also served as a reminder of the profound impact collective efforts can have in addressing local needs and challenges,