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Tree planting campaign – April 27th 2014, Nairobi

Continuing our strong commitment to the environment, on Sunday 27th April 2014, BAPS Charities Nairobi in conjunction with KENVO (Kijabe Environment Volunteers) organized its first bi-annual Tree planting campaign for 2014

Over 130 volunteers from BAPS Charities helped plant a staggering 4000 trees at the Lari Forest, Matimbei about 60km from Nairobi. As explained by Mr James Manyara, a representative of KENVO, Lari Forest forms the southern-most end of the Aberdare forest range. It consists of a rich biodiversity, which is home to an indigenous ecosystem of fodder crop, medicinal plants, birds and even elephants living in close vicinity to the city of Nairobi. But the essential fact remains, that the Aberdare range is the 3rd largest water tower in Kenya and is the source of drinking water for 30% of the population.

The event started off with a prayer, followed by a welcome note by Mr Robert; Assistant Chief of Matimbei. He quoted the Nobel Laureate, Hon. Wangari Mathaai, “Nature is not forgiving,” and emphasized her dream of sustainable development of the environment, for which we had gathered.

Through such bi-annual tree planting projects, BAPS Charities continually strives for and ensures the preservation and sustenance of the environment.